What's Up...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Leave Your Print...

I had the opportunity this past Tuesday to be a poll worker for the election. My precinct was PR08 and my polling place was the Provo Library that is pictured in the slide show. (The gorgeous old Brigham Young Academy building that has been restored and added onto.)
I showed up at 6:00am, was locked out until 6:30am, but eventually got in and got situated. :) I really enjoyed this experience!
The flow of voters was steady but never too crazy. It was perfect because I was busy without being overwhelmed. For my first election, it was a terrific training experience.
Most of the voters were BYU students, many of them voting for the first time. They were so cute and excited to vote and their enthusiasm was contagious. Many were clueless as how to use the machines but we were able to take our time and explain in detail so I think most had good experiences.

We were out of there by 8:45pm, so it wasn't nearly as long a day as I thought it might be.
I am really grateful to be an American! I have even more respect for the process and those who get involved because it's a lot of work. It was cool to be there and see it all first hand.

1 comment:

christy said...

How fun that you got to do that! I'm so glad that you've rejoined the blogging world. I'll be sure to check in often! :)