What's Up...

Monday, April 12, 2010

DUDE! email from 4-12-10

Dear Everybody,

NO WAY! I'm so stoked for Nathan! That's awesome. That's way rad about Morgan and Colin to, and Zac, and Grandpa. Good times.
Weeeeelllll, last week was pretty fun. We currently have 2 people committed to be baptized this weekend. One is the Bishops son in law, who's waaay solid. The other is Robert Crittenden. He's probably the smartest guy on earth. He comes from a very intellectual background so exercising faith has been hard for him. He really wants to join the church though. AJ our baptism from two weeks ago got confirmed. We had him help us teach a lesson to one of his neighbors, he's a stud.
We had to ride our bikes for the first time in 2 weeks on Saturday, lame. The ward here is great, and bishop is our best buddy. He takes us around like every day. Anyhoo, tell me how Andrew's doing? I haven't heard from that punk in a long time. Tell Grandpa happy birthday for me. Send some pictures too. Oh and I definitely need a refill. I love you guys, I hopes you doing good.

Elder Uptown

Did you get my plaque up yet?

I'm at 160 lbs, and 9% body fat. I totally benched 10 reps of 115 awww yeah. I look kinda chubby though.

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